Rabu, 08 Juni 2022

The First Time I Saw You

To: You

From: Your secret admirer

I saw you for the first time in front of your office. On that day, you who appeared out of nowhere made me gorgeous. Your height, outfit, and gesture made me stand still for a few moments. I don't know if that feeling calls Deja Vu. I remember that moment I have felt a few years ago when I fell in love in junior high school. I thought I fell in love with you.

I never have a wish to talk to you, because I think that so impossible. Just see you at the library or a far away place in the school where we work. At the time, I had just asked my friend all about you. 'Are you present or not' is a question I always asked my friend whose father is a senior at your office. And my friend answered: 'Ya, he's present. He is eating on his table alone.' or 'He's always eating lunch alone. He's not really like cheating on food or something. Just eat the lunch that his mother made for him.'

And I will smile every time I know that. I always like that. Until one day, my motorcycle was scratched by a little accident and my senior in the library helped me to fix it in a way ask him for help. I'm surprised, really surprised because I will have a little moment with you. Alhamdulillah hehehe. In my imagination, I will talk to you and we will be a friend! but it's so hard to talk to you.

Is not because you are arrogant or ignorant, that's just because I'm so nervous to talk to you. I suddenly lose my speaking skill and I choose to chat with you first. The brain always told me to talk to you about everything so it's not awkward. But sadly, we can only speak a few words. Our conversation is like an interview : I will always be the interviewer and you the source person.

I thought you are a cool guy or something because you are very quiet. But my friend told me about you again. She said you just don't know people here. And when you know the people here, you will like a normal guy(?) and talk like we do. Yaa, it's okay. At least I had time to chat with you and have a little a moment with you : lunch together (of course with my friends too), joking together, until the moment I like the most ; seeing your smile up close :)


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